Unity 3

Maximum efficiency – Minimum size. For precise diagnostics and effortless fitting.

Unity gives users the ability to create games and experiences in both 2D and 3D, and the engine offers a primary scripting API in C#, for both the Unity editor in the form of plugins, and games themselves, as well as drag and drop functionality. Unity games are games built using the Unity3D game engine, famous for cutting edge 3D graphics not seen before in online games, only at Y8 Games. Experience the most unique experience by playing the largest collection of breathtaking Unity3D Games on the Internet. Sometimes these games are also referred to as WebGl games as that is the technology that let's Unity games work inside browsers. Unity Personal is a great place for beginners and hobbyists to get started. It includes access to all core game engine features, continuous updates, beta releases, and all publishing platforms. 2 days ago  Unity MARS is a tool to help kickstart and further support AR development. Read on to explore three specific scenarios and use cases that can make Unity MARS a win for your team’s next AR project. You have a diverse team with various skill sets working in the Unity Editor Unity. With this understanding of Unity and bite-sized bits of programming, you can make your own mark in the game industry by finishing fun, simple games. Unity 3.x Game Development by Example shows you how to build crucial game elements that you can reuse and re-skin in many different games, using the phenomenal (and free!) Unity 3D game engine.

Unity™ 3 is a PC-controlled diagnostic and fitting system designed to simplify and speed up many of your daily work processes. Above and beyond that, it makes your business more cost-effective by minimizing downtime for calibration and service.

The perfect modular concept

The modular hardware and software system components offer utmost flexibility to fit your individual needs, and its versatility enables faster and better measurements – so you can offer your customers a more pleasant, comfortable fitting experience with more precise results. Learn how Unity 3 intuitively supports the work of any Hearing Care Professional – before, during and after the fitting process.
Stylish and with minimum space requirements. The fitting unit can be attached to the hearing instrument testbox unit.

Easy to use

  • Common software interface across all Unity modules follows the typical workflow and fitting steps carried out by Hearing Care Professionals.
  • Binaural measurements can be performed simultaneously, reducing measurement time by half.
  • Flexible probe microphone system enables uncomplicated positioning of probe microphones, regardless of ear size.
  • Fully compatible with Noah fitting software for seamless integration.
  • Seamless integration with Connexx Eight and IMC2 certified there is no need to toggle between different fitting tools.
  • Unity’s completely independent architecture enables use as standalone system with its own patient database.

Smart service support

  • All transducers have their own calibration data stored on-board. Thanks to the plug and play concept, you do not need to wait for the calibration service to come but can simply plug them in and start working.
  • No service downtime: Benefit from plug and play transducers and perform sound-field calibration with the included measurement probe microphone.
  • Automatic software updates and upgrades with our update manager.

Small dimensions

  • Unity has never been smaller or lighter.
  • Fits any room concept: The fitting unit can be partly mounted to a wall or be attached below a desktop.
  • Take only what you need: The modular system can be disassembled and allows taking only the small fitting unit with you on the go while leaving the larger testbox behind.

Premium possibilities at your fingertips

The fully functional two-channel diagnostic audiometer module is optimized for pure-tone and speech audiometry plus a host of other premium features.

With high-frequency, pure-tone testing up to 16 kHz and the ability to perform Weber and TEN tests, the audiometer module is able to support all common hearing tests. The module can be controlled via keyboard and mouse and the interface features include many overlay options in the audiometer view.

It enables comparison and timely analysis of changes and a 16 kHz view for high frequency losses. In addition, the speech audiometry monitoring function helps the clinician to automatically score the results and protocol the used test words as well as the given answers. This avoids repetition of test words in later sessions.

Convenient, customized testing – wherever you are.

The portable combination of headphones and fitting unit allows for a comfortable, personalized hearing analysis – even when you are out on visits.

HF audiometry screen

This screen provides a true binaural view on the frequency range up to 16 kHz with all relevant data and required controls in one screen. The clearly structured screen provides a maximum in overview and supports intuitive handling.

Speech audiometer view

The speech audiometer graphical and numerical display allows both manual and automated input of speech test results. Used test word lists and client responses will be stored together with the data and can be displayed for each test point on demand.

Fast, individual fitting for the real world

Unity 3’s real ear measurement module delivers real-world test results with exceptional features and measurement options.
The adjustable probe microphone system enables easy placement. Binaural measurements can be performed simultaneously to improve your workflow. And the module is compatible with IMC2 from Connexx™ 8.5 and AutoFit™ onwards for the fastest possible individual fitting.

A perfect fit for precise results.

Together with the fitting unit, the robust probe microphones deliver perfect measurement results. They can be flexibly adjusted to fit any ear: No matter what the size or form, they sit comfortably and securely, even when testing children.

Testing and evaluation options:

Possible measurements:
Unaided, aided, occluded (both gain and output), insertion gain and RECD.

Practical test signals:
ISTS, LTASS, ICRA and many different noises.

Applicable prescriptive formulas:
DSL v5, NAL-NL1 and NAL-NL2 and manual target input for individualized evaluation

Real ear measurement screen: With a binaural view of real time measurement data, this screen allows you to visualize all the necessary information.

Clear visualization for excellent fitting results

Speech mapping allows you to visually demonstrate hearing instrument benefits so that your customers can experience the difference first-hand, right away.

A large selection of sound samples assists you during tests and demonstrations. The percentile analysis function enables fittings for non-linear hearing instruments. And simultaneous binaural measurements help you to serve your customer more efficiently than ever.

Speech mapping screen

Use this screen to visualize how the hearing instruments process live speech, recorded speech or any other noise. You can also demonstrate hearing instrument features such as noise reduction or directionality, and explain their effects to your client.

Percentile analysis screen

This screen allows you to visually display and analyze the dynamic range of live signals that are processed by the hearing instruments. Its analysis includes the whole spectrum of broadband sound signals. Percentile analysis also provides means to adjust the hearing instruments for both the loud and the soft parts of a speech signal.

Outstanding elegance and precise measurements

The hearing instrument testbox unit features a large test chamber to provide excellent acoustics for hearing instrument tests and hearing instrument configuration before your customer arrives.

Sleek design, exact results.

Accurately pre-set and test hearing instruments with the large hearing instrument testbox unit. Its stylish design makes it a professional eye-catcher for your office environment.

Standard available tests:

  • IEC 60118-7
  • IEC 60118-15 (in combination with the speech mapping module)
  • ANSI S3.22
The HIT measurement screen demonstrates what is happening inside the testbox unit during test sessions. It provides clearly structured test orders, automatic test runs and readout of data.
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C# and .NET, the technologies underlying Unity scripting, have continued to receive updates since Microsoft originally released them in 2002. But Unity developers may not be aware of the steady stream of new features added to the C# language and .NET Framework. That's because before Unity 2017.1, Unity has been using a .NET 3.5 equivalent scripting runtime, missing years of updates.

With the release of Unity 2017.1, Unity introduced an experimental version of its scripting runtime upgraded to a .NET 4.6, C# 6 compatible version. In Unity 2018.1, the .NET 4.x equivalent runtime is no longer considered experimental, while the older .NET 3.5 equivalent runtime is now considered to be the legacy version. And with the release of Unity 2018.3, Unity is projecting to make the upgraded scripting runtime the default selection, and to update even further to C# 7. For more information and the latest updates on this roadmap, read Unity's blog post or visit their Experimental Scripting Previews forum. In the meantime, check out the sections below to learn more about the new features available now with the .NET 4.x scripting runtime.


  • Unity 2017.1 or above (2018.2 recommended)

Enabling the .NET 4.x scripting runtime in Unity

To enable the .NET 4.x scripting runtime, take the following steps:

  1. Open PlayerSettings in the Unity Inspector by selecting Edit > Project Settings > Player.

  2. Under the Configuration heading, click the Scripting Runtime Version dropdown and select .NET 4.x Equivalent. You will be prompted to restart Unity.

Choosing between .NET 4.x and .NET Standard 2.0 profiles

Once you've switched to the .NET 4.x equivalent scripting runtime, you can specify the Api Compatibility Level using the dropdown menu in the PlayerSettings (Edit > Project Settings > Player). There are two options:

  • .NET Standard 2.0. This profile matches the .NET Standard 2.0 profile published by the .NET Foundation. Unity recommends .NET Standard 2.0 for new projects. It's smaller than .NET 4.x, which is advantageous for size-constrained platforms. Additionally, Unity has committed to supporting this profile across all platforms that Unity supports.

  • .NET 4.x. This profile provides access to the latest .NET 4 API. It includes all of the code available in the .NET Framework class libraries and supports .NET Standard 2.0 profiles as well. Use the .NET 4.x profile if your project requires part of the API not included in the .NET Standard 2.0 profile. However, some parts of this API may not be supported on all of Unity's platforms.

You can read more about these options in Unity's blog post.

Adding assembly references when using the .NET 4.x Api Compatibility Level

When using the .NET Standard 2.0 setting in the Api Compatibility Level dropdown, all assemblies in the API profile are referenced and usable. However, when using the larger .NET 4.x profile, some of the assemblies that Unity ships with aren't referenced by default. To use these APIs, you must manually add an assembly reference. You can view the assemblies Unity ships with in the MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono directory of your Unity editor installation:

Microsoft office visio viewer. For example, if you're using the .NET 4.x profile and want to use HttpClient, you must add an assembly reference for System.Net.Http.dll. Without it, the compiler will complain that you're missing an assembly reference:

Visual Studio regenerates .csproj and .sln files for Unity projects each time they're opened. As a result, you cannot add assembly references directly in Visual Studio because they'll be lost upon reopening the project. Instead, a special text file named csc.rsp must be used:

  1. Create a new text file named csc.rsp in your Unity project's root Assets directory.

  2. On the first line in the empty text file, enter: -r:System.Net.Http.dll and then save the file. You can replace 'System.Net.Http.dll' with any included assembly that might be missing a reference.

  3. Restart the Unity editor.

Taking advantage of .NET compatibility

In addition to new C# syntax and language features, the .NET 4.x scripting runtime gives Unity users access to a huge library of .NET packages that are incompatible with the legacy .NET 3.5 scripting runtime.

Add packages from NuGet to a Unity project

NuGet is the package manager for .NET. NuGet is integrated into Visual Studio. However, Unity projects require a special process to add NuGet packages. This is because when you open a project in Unity, its Visual Studio project files are regenerated, undoing necessary configurations. To add a package from NuGet to your Unity project do the following:

  1. Browse NuGet to locate a compatible package you'd like to add (.NET Standard 2.0 or .NET 4.x). This example will demonstrate adding Json.NET, a popular package for working with JSON, to a .NET Standard 2.0 project.

  2. Click the Download button:

  3. Locate the downloaded file and change the extension from .nupkg to .zip.

  4. Within the zip file, navigate to the lib/netstandard2.0 directory and copy the Newtonsoft.Json.dll file.

  5. In your Unity project's root Assets folder, create a new folder named Plugins. Plugins is a special folder name in Unity. See the Unity documentation for more information.

  6. Paste the Newtonsoft.Json.dll file into your Unity project's Plugins directory.

  7. Create a file named link.xml in your Unity project's Assets directory and add the following XML. This will ensure Unity's bytecode stripping process does not remove necessary data when exporting to an IL2CPP platform. While this step is specific to this library, you may run into problems with other libraries that use Reflection in similar ways. For more information, please see Unity's docs on this topic.

With everything in place, you can now use the Json.NET package.

This is a simple example of using a library which has no dependencies. When NuGet packages rely on other NuGet packages, you would need to download these dependencies manually and add them to the project in the same way.

New syntax and language features

Using the updated scripting runtime gives Unity developers access to C# 6 and a host of new language features and syntax.

Auto-property initializers

In Unity's .NET 3.5 scripting runtime, the auto-property syntax makes it easy to quickly define uninitialized properties, but initialization has to happen elsewhere in your script. Now with the .NET 4.x runtime, it's possible to initialize auto-properties in the same line:

String interpolation

With the older .NET 3.5 runtime, string concatenation required awkward syntax. Now with the .NET 4.x runtime, the $ string interpolation feature allows expressions to be inserted into strings in a more direct and readable syntax:

Expression-bodied members

With the newer C# syntax available in the .NET 4.x runtime, lambda expressions can replace the body of functions to make them more succinct: Drivers capital.

You can also use expression-bodied members in read-only properties:

Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP)

Asynchronous programming allows time consuming operations to take place without causing your application to become unresponsive. This functionality also allows your code to wait for time consuming operations to finish before continuing with code that depends on the results of these operations. For example, you could wait for a file to load or a network operation to complete.

In Unity, asynchronous programming is typically accomplished with coroutines. However, since C# 5, the preferred method of asynchronous programming in .NET development has been the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) using the async and await keywords with System.Threading.Task. In summary, in an async function you can await a task's completion without blocking the rest of your application from updating:

TAP is a complex subject, with Unity-specific nuances developers should consider. As a result, TAP isn't a universal replacement for coroutines in Unity; however, it is another tool to leverage. The scope of this feature is beyond this article, but some general best practices and tips are provided below.

Getting started reference for TAP with Unity

These tips can help you get started with TAP in Unity:

  • Asynchronous functions intended to be awaited should have the return type Task or Task<TResult>.
  • Asynchronous functions that return a task should have the suffix 'Async' appended to their names. The 'Async' suffix helps indicate that a function should always be awaited.
  • Only use the async void return type for functions that fire off async functions from traditional synchronous code. Such functions cannot themselves be awaited and shouldn't have the 'Async' suffix in their names.
  • Unity uses the UnitySynchronizationContext to ensure async functions run on the main thread by default. The Unity API isn't accessible outside of the main thread.
  • It's possible to run tasks on background threads with methods like Task.Run and Task.ConfigureAwait(false). This technique is useful for offloading expensive operations from the main thread to enhance performance. However, using background threads can lead to problems that are difficult to debug, such as race conditions.
  • The Unity API isn't accessible outside the main thread.
  • Tasks that use threads aren't supported on Unity WebGL builds.

Unity 3d Game Kit

Differences between coroutines and TAP

There are some important differences between coroutines and TAP / async-await:

  • Coroutines cannot return values, but Task<TResult> can.
  • You cannot put a yield in a try-catch statement, making error handling difficult with coroutines. However, try-catch works with TAP.
  • Unity's coroutine feature isn't available in classes that don't derive from MonoBehaviour. TAP is great for asynchronous programming in such classes.
  • At this point, Unity doesn't suggest TAP as a wholesale replacement of coroutines. Profiling is the only way to know the specific results of one approach versus the other for any given project.


As of Unity 2018.2, debugging async methods with break points isn't fully supported; however, this functionality is expected in Unity 2018.3.

nameof operator

The nameof operator gets the string name of a variable, type, or member. Some cases where nameof comes in handy are logging errors, and getting the string name of an enum:

Caller info attributes

Caller info attributes provide information about the caller of a method. You must provide a default value for each parameter you want to use with a Caller Info attribute:

Using static


Using static allows you to use static functions without typing its class name. With using static, you can save space and time if you need to use several static functions from the same class:


IL2CPP Considerations

When exporting your game to platforms like iOS, Unity will use its IL2CPP engine to 'transpile' IL to C++ code which is then compiled using the native compiler of the target platform. In this scenario, there are several .NET features which are not supported, such as parts of Reflection, and usage of the dynamic keyword. While you can control using these features in your own code, you may run into problems using 3rd party DLLs and SDKs which were not written with Unity and IL2CPP in mind. For more information on this topic, please see the Scripting Restrictions docs on Unity's site.

Additionally, as mentioned in the Json.NET example above, Unity will attempt to strip out unused code during the IL2CPP export process. While this typically isn't an issue, with libraries that use Reflection, it can accidentally strip out properties or methods that will be called at run time that can't be determined at export time. To fix these issues, add a link.xml file to your project which contains a list of assemblies and namespaces to not run the stripping process against. For full details, please see Unity's docs on bytecode stripping.

.NET 4.x Sample Unity Project

The sample contains examples of several .NET 4.x features. You can download the project or view the source code on GitHub.

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