- Vagrant Virtualbox Machine Name
- Vagrant Virtualbox Machine
- Vagrant Vs Virtualbox
- Vagrant Virtualbox Machine Folder
- Vagrant Virtualbox Version
This version was created over 4 years ago. A-link europe port devices driver download.
This is a issue tracker for OS X Vagrant boxes, which can be found in Download section
VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. Vagrant includes a simple way to package VirtualBox base boxes. Once you've installed all the software you want to install, you can run this command: $ vagrant package -base my-virtual-machine. Where 'my-virtual-machine' is replaced by the name of the virtual machine in VirtualBox to package as a base box.
Vagrant Virtualbox Machine Name
Box was tested only on VirtualBox with Mac OS as a host. Mainly, I made it to build our iOS applications via CI-server.
Since VagrantCloud can't host this images, you can use direct links to download them. Download speed may be slow.
- Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 (XCode 6.4): v0.2.1 (13Gb) (sha1: 6339bf812017b9f0046d9fdda79cc6f3d2ab169a)
- macOS Sierra (XCode 8.2): v0.3.1 (14.1Gb)
Also, you can download older boxes from the Hashicorp Atlas page AndrewDryga/vagrant-box-osx/ (if it's accessible at the moment), or simply by starting with vagrant init AndrewDryga/vagrant-box-osx
instead of url.
Setting up
- Install Vagrant and VirtualBox;
into your project directory;- Run
vagrant init AndrewDryga/vagrant-box-osx
; - Your Vagrantfile should be ready as soon as Vagrant downloads box;
- Start VM by calling
vagrant up
OS X Licensing
Apple's EULA states that you can install your copy on your actual Apple-hardware, plus up to two VMs running on your Apple-hardware. So using this box on another hardware is may be illegal and you should do it on your own risk.
By using it you agree with all macOS Sierra and XCode license agreements.
What's included?
Sierra box:
- Default Vagrantfile (inside box) that fixes most of common issues;
- Homebrew;
- Homebrew Cask;
- NodeJS 7.2.1 (npm 3.10.10, n 2.1.3);
- Lunchy;
- Puppet 4.8.1;
- XCode 8.2 (and XCode Command Line Tools).
Yosemite box:
- Default Vagrantfile (inside box) that fixes most of common issues;
- Homebrew;
- Homebrew Cask;
- Puppet 3.7.4;
- XCode 6.4;
- XCode Command Line Tools;
- NodeJS 0.12.7 (for npm);
- Appium 1.4.10;
- iOS Simulator (all devices for iOS 8.4).
Useful cli tools and information
- Nomad CLI - provides a set of tools that allow to manage certificates, profiles and many other things;
- ObjC.io Issue 6 - how-to article about building apps in cli-only (this one about Travis-Ci);
- use it to manage your keychains;- xctool - Facebook project for building iOS apps.
Common issues
- Box may crash on AMD-based hosts due to VirtualBox issues.
- Do not turn 3D acceleration on in VirtualBox, or it will start retuning aborted condition and would not start in headless mode;
- VirtualBox doesn't have Guest additions for Mac OS X, so you can't have shared folders. Instead you can use normal network shared folders (docs):
# Use NFS for the shared folderconfig.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', id: 'core', :nfs => true, :mount_options => ['nolock,vers=3,udp,noatime']
- If your VM freezes with
hfs mounted macintosh hd on device root_device
then you need to set cpuidset inside your Vagrantfile:vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--cpuidset', '1','000206a7','02100800','1fbae3bf','bfebfbff']
(it's included since version 0.2); - If your mouse does not work on a MacBook Pro host machine, shut down the VM and open the VirtualBox Manager. Edit the VM's settings. Choose the System tab. Under the Motherboard sub-tab, set the Chipset option to be PIIX 3, and set the Pointing Device option to be USB Tablet. Restart the VM;
- When OSX is trying to prompt graphically for password (i.e when using swift REPL), it will raise the error
error:process exited with status -1) (lost connection)
because there is no graphical output when using vagrant via ssh login, enable the develop mode can solve this situation, run the following command:sudo /usr/sbin/DevToolsSecurity --enable
; - If you need user password (for example for Homebrew Cask). Vagrant have default consideration to create user
with passwordvagrant
, you can use it.
VirtualBox support for Mac OS X is experimental. More information can be found in official docs.
Tips to build your own box
Main think you should remember is that you need latest VirtualBox version BEFORE you start installation. Process of installation is pretty straight forward (as on usual Mac), but you need to erase virtual drive during installation via Disk Utilities. After that just follow Vagrant guide to create base box and another one to package it.
Sometimes you need to rebuild VirtualBox kernel extensions before installing OS on VM.
Helpful links (most of them are outdated):
- Also you might be interested to take look at radeksimko/vagrant-osx that can build boxes for VMWare Vagrant provider.
virtualbox Externally hosted (vagrant-osx.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)
This version was created over 5 years ago.
The full description and issue tracker can be found on GitHub AndrewDryga/vagrant-box-osx.
What's included?
- Puppet 3.7.4
- XCode 6.4
- XCode Command Line Tools
- NodeJS 0.12.7 (for npm)
- Appium 1.4.10
- iOS Simulator (all devices for iOS 8.4)
Useful cli tools and information
- Nomad CLI - provides a set of tools that allow to manage certificates, profiles and many other things;
- ObjC.io Issue 6 - how-to article about building apps in cli-only (this one about Travis-Ci);
- use it to manage your keychains;- xctool - Facebook project for building iOS apps.
Common issues
- Do not turn 3D acceleration on in VirtualBox, or it will start retuning aborted condition and would not start in headless mode;
- VirtualBox doesn't have Guest additions for Mac OS X, so you can't have shared folders. Instead you can use normal network shared folders (docs).
- If you face VM freezed on message
hfs mounted macintosh hd on device root_device
then you need to set cpuidset inside your Vagrantfile:vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--cpuidset', '1','000206a7','02100800','1fbae3bf','bfebfbff']
(it's included since version 0.2); - If your mouse does not work on a MacBook Pro host machine, shut down the VM and open the VirtualBox Manager. Edit the VM's settings. Choose the System tab. Under the Motherboard sub-tab, set the Chipset option to be PIIX 3, and set the Pointing Device option to be USB Tablet. Restart the VM;
- When OSX is trying to prompt graphically for password (i.e when using swift REPL), it will raise the error
error:process exited with status -1) (lost connection)
because there is no graphical output when using vagrant via ssh login, enable the develop mode can solve this situation, run the following command:sudo /usr/sbin/DevToolsSecurity --enable
; - In early versions of this box you need to accept XCode license by you own. If you face error:
Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo.
, just run this command:sudo xcodebuild -license accept
; - If you need user password (for example for Homebrew Cask). Vagrant have default consideration to create user
with passwordvagrant
, you can use it.
OS X Licensing
Apple's EULA states that you can install your copy on your actual Apple-hardware, plus up to two VMs running on your Apple-hardware. So using this box on another hardware is may be illigal and you should do it on your own risk.
virtualbox Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (13 GB)
This version was created over 5 years ago.
The full description and issue tracker can be found on GitHub AndrewDryga/vagrant-box-osx.
virtualbox Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
This version was created over 5 years ago.
The full description and issue tracker can be found on GitHub AndrewDryga/vagrant-box-osx.
virtualbox Externally hosted (files.dryga.com)
Virtual Machine
The virtual machine created in VirtualBox can use any configuration you would like, but Vagrant has some hard requirements:
-The first network interface (adapter 1) must be a NAT adapter. Vagrant uses this to connect the first time.
-The MAC address of the first network interface (the NAT adapter) should be noted, since you will need to put it in a Vagrantfile later as the value for config.vm.base_mac
. To get this value, use the VirtualBox GUI.
Other than the above, you are free to customize the base virtual machine as you see fit.
Additional Software
In addition to the software that should be installed based on the general guide to creating base boxes, VirtualBox base boxes require some additional software.
VirtualBox Guest Additions
VirtualBox Guest Additions must be installed so that things such as shared folders can function. Installing guest additions also usually improves performance since the guest OS can make some optimizations by knowing it is running within VirtualBox.
Before installing the guest additions, you will need the linux kernel headers and the basic developer tools. On Ubuntu, you can easily install these like so:
To install via the GUI:
Next, make sure that the guest additions image is available by using the GUI and clicking on 'Devices' followed by 'Install Guest Additions'. Then mount the CD-ROM to some location. On Ubuntu, this usually looks like this:
Finally, run the shell script that matches your system to install the guest additions. For example, for Linux on x86, it is the following:
If the command succeeds, then the guest additions are now installed!
To install via the command line:
You can find the appropriate guest additions version to match your VirtualBox version by selecting the appropriate version here. The examples below use 4.3.8, which was the latest VirtualBox version at the time of writing.
If you did not install a Desktop environment when you installed the operating system, as recommended to reduce size, the install of the VirtualBox additions should warn you about the lack of OpenGL or Window System Drivers, but you can safely ignore this.
If the commands succeed, then the guest additions are now installed.
Packing VirtualBox
Vagrant includes a simple way to package VirtualBox base boxes. Once you've installed all the software you want to install, you can run this command:
Where 'my-virtual-machine' is replaced by the name of the virtual machine in VirtualBox to package as a base box.
It will take a few minutes, but after it is complete, a file 'package.box' should be in your working directory which is the new base box. At this point, you've successfully created a base box.
Raw Contents

This section documents the actual raw contents of the box file. This is not as useful when creating a base box but can be useful in debugging issues if necessary.
Vagrant Virtualbox Machine
A VirtualBox base box is an archive of the resulting files of exporting a VirtualBox virtual machine. Here is an example of what is contained in such a box:
Vagrant Vs Virtualbox
In addition to the files from exporting a VirtualBox VM, there is the 'metadata.json' file used by Vagrant itself.
Vagrant Virtualbox Machine Folder
Also, there is a 'Vagrantfile.' This contains some configuration to properly set the MAC address of the NAT network device, since VirtualBox requires this to be correct in order to function properly. If you are not using vagrant package --base
above, you will have to set theconfig.vm.base_mac
setting in this Vagrantfile to the MAC address of the NAT device without colons.
Vagrant Virtualbox Version
When bringing up a VirtualBox backed machine, Vagrant imports the 'box.ovf' file found in the box contents.