>> pkg list
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
actuarial *| 1.1.0 | ...octavepackagesactuarial-1.1.0
communications | 1.2.0 | ...octavepackagescommunications-1.2.0
control *| 2.6.1 | ...shareoctavepackagescontrol-2.6.1
data-smoothing | 1.3.0 | ...octavepackagesdata-smoothing-1.3.0
fuzzy-logic-toolkit | 0.4.2 | ...packagesfuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.4.2
general | 1.3.2 | ...shareoctavepackagesgeneral-1.3.2
geometry | 1.7.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesgeometry-1.7.0
image | 2.2.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesimage-2.2.0
io | 1.2.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesio-1.2.0
linear-algebra | 2.2.0 | ...octavepackageslinear-algebra-2.2.0
miscellaneous | 1.2.0 | ...octavepackagesmiscellaneous-1.2.0
odepkg | 0.8.4 | ...shareoctavepackagesodepkg-0.8.4
optim | 1.2.2 | ...shareoctavepackagesoptim-1.2.2
quaternion *| 2.2.0 | ...octavepackagesquaternion-2.2.0
signal | 1.2.2 | ...shareoctavepackagessignal-1.2.2
sockets | 1.0.8 | ...shareoctavepackagessockets-1.0.8
specfun | 1.1.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesspecfun-1.1.0
struct | 1.0.10 | ...shareoctavepackagesstruct-1.0.10
windows | 1.2.1 | ...shareoctavepackageswindows-1.2.1
zenity | 0.5.7 | ...shareoctavepackageszenity-0.5.7
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
actuarial *| 1.1.0 | ...octavepackagesactuarial-1.1.0
communications | 1.2.0 | ...octavepackagescommunications-1.2.0
control *| 2.6.1 | ...shareoctavepackagescontrol-2.6.1
data-smoothing | 1.3.0 | ...octavepackagesdata-smoothing-1.3.0
fuzzy-logic-toolkit | 0.4.2 | ...packagesfuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.4.2
general | 1.3.2 | ...shareoctavepackagesgeneral-1.3.2
geometry | 1.7.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesgeometry-1.7.0
image | 2.2.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesimage-2.2.0
io | 1.2.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesio-1.2.0
linear-algebra | 2.2.0 | ...octavepackageslinear-algebra-2.2.0
miscellaneous | 1.2.0 | ...octavepackagesmiscellaneous-1.2.0
odepkg | 0.8.4 | ...shareoctavepackagesodepkg-0.8.4
optim | 1.2.2 | ...shareoctavepackagesoptim-1.2.2
quaternion *| 2.2.0 | ...octavepackagesquaternion-2.2.0
signal | 1.2.2 | ...shareoctavepackagessignal-1.2.2
sockets | 1.0.8 | ...shareoctavepackagessockets-1.0.8
specfun | 1.1.0 | ...shareoctavepackagesspecfun-1.1.0
struct | 1.0.10 | ...shareoctavepackagesstruct-1.0.10
windows | 1.2.1 | ...shareoctavepackageswindows-1.2.1
zenity | 0.5.7 | ...shareoctavepackageszenity-0.5.7
Logic Pro X cheat sheet of all shortcuts and commands. Home Dojos Tournaments Achievements Profile Pricing Logic Pro X Cheat Sheet Commands I R Record. Octave - 1 X Octave + 1 shift+X Octave + 2 Step Input III 1 1/1 Note 2 1/2 Note 3 1/4 Note 4 1/8 Note 5 1/16 Note 6 1/32 Note 7 1/64 Note 8.

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Octave Commands Cheat Sheet
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- Syntax: Description: Example: 1 2 8 16: durations: c4. Augmentation dots: c d e f g a b: scale: fis bes: alteration clef treble clef bass: clefs time 3/4.
- Octave Statistics Tips Refer to the Octave on-line help for a full description of an Octave command. For example, to find out more about boxplots type: help boxplot Reading A Dataset The text book site provides the data sets in several different formats. One standard format is known as.
- MATLAB Cheat Sheet Basic Commands% Indicates rest of line is commented out.; If used at end of command it suppresses output. If used within matrix definitions it indicates the end of a row. Save filename Saves all variables currently in workspace to file filename.mat. Save filename x y z Saves x, y, and z to file filename.mat.